Organizations need to co-ordinate their Intranet efforts to realize enterprise-wide gains and mitigate corporate risk. A formal approach to governance will yield new operational efficiencies, the ability to leverage knowledge across silos and reduce risks associated with loss of intellectual property, lack of security, and redundancy of costs.
Intranet Governance means having explicit and agreed-upon policies as well as the ability to translate those policies into action. Most organizations have gaps in their Intranet governance, are governing based on outdated business objectives, or have a governance model for a less mature portal environment than is currently needed. Effbis will help you identify critical gaps in governance. Organizations that know their governance gaps can do two things: they can fill them, or they can recognize the associated risks and manage expectations accordingly.
Through a series of workshops we will guide you through the process for developing policies and for creating a governance structure. These strategic sessions also enable a diverse group of stakeholders to quickly gain consensus by focusing on an externally validated methodology and reference set of best practices on key governance categories, including: